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Heaven Official's Blessing | Official Ending | "Always Together" by Huang Ling 

不散 (《天官赐福》动画片尾曲) - 黄龄

Under the crimson sky,half real,half illusion

殷红漫天 似真似幻

Silvery butterflies play amid colorful flowers

银蝶 翩然 濯花瓣

Nothing is perfect;even the sun is shaded,the moon is dark

谁言无缺 日幽月暗

It's pointless going to extremes,trying to sovle the unsolvable hatred and greed


Raging fires gone,wild weeds born

烈火隐去 野草复燃

Rises and falls keep coming around

此消 彼长 再循环

Varieties of the world are hidden in rolls of books

大千世界 卷轴璀璨

Good and evil are interwoven and hard to tell

亦邪亦正处 听谁叹

There is no coming together,and there is lingering on

何来聚散 又何来忘返

There is no mystic spell,and there is no unreal illusion

何来魔障 又何来虚幻

Under the whisk in the utoppian paradise

且看拂尘之下 桃源满山

They float away and up,becoming immortals

飘然而去 羽化成仙

Silk flies in the wind,like a dream,no coming together,no going apart

飞绫绕风 如梦 本无聚散


DongHua Reviews

This is so beautiful. Isabelle Huang has such an amazing voice and the lyrics are so tragic to pair with it. Both the opening and ending had such incredible visuals too! I can't wait to cry at this 800 year long love story


Jyoti Chahar
Is that hua Cheng's ring!!!??? Imma lose my sanity when this finally airs but God!! Can't wait either


Cherry Chronicles
mygosh everything about this ending makes me so happy and sad.
It's like, their story (opening song) starts sad but it will still end (ending song) happily.


Obnoxious Lady

TGCF is one of the best novels with such a beautiful story. Idk why I cry every time I see anything related to the novel. And with that, can't wait for the 31st

edawn’s jesus

the song, the animation, the story, everything is so beautiful that i can't wait for the actual donghua. let me just skip the remaining days.


Karolina F

¡Oh por Dios! Estoy esperando con muchas ansias está animación se ve que va a estar hermoso ,muchas gracias por regalarnos un poquito de felicidad en estos tiempos tan difíciles que estamos pasando y que Diosito nos de vida ,MIL GRACIAS


Ekatherina Sforza
Every time I look at this ending, it makes me so sentimental, it's beautiful. Thank you very much for the enormous effort that you have put into it.
I already have my new favorite


I’m gonna cry at that ring necklace. This animation is beautiful and Huang Ling’s voice is just wow.


It's totally art in everything, both the images and the perfect voice of interpretation, I love it


I’m so ready to be taken over by another roller coaster of emotion, just like the novel


Firstly, this is great.
Secondly though, I reread the novel all hyped for HuaLian, and damn idk if I'm ready for all that pain. This story is so amazing. I hope they capture all the tears, all the laughs, and the love (lol or sworn brothers/ god worship



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