网文世界 - 一个兴趣使然的无名翻译小站


Forty Millenniums of Cultivation


“Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal bloody shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness!


“No matter how weak each spark is, how short-lived, how small… As long as the sparks flow unabated, then one day one of those sparks will light some tinder, and that tinder shall light some fallen branches, and those branches shall set ablaze each and every last tree of the forest!


“In the end, even the smallest sparks will eventually set the shadowy forest ablaze, and illuminate the whole world!”

I have been reading CL since the start of Coiling Dragon about 4-5 years ago. After many many novels, I can confidently say that Forty Millenniums of Cultivation is one of the best if not the best. Most if not 90% of these Chinese novels are very badly written or just copy and paste with 2D main protagonists and 1D antagonists and side characters. Very few novels have 3D protagonists and even fewer have 3D antagonists and side characters. FMC has some flaws but many positive aspects. FMC has characters development, world building, plot, twisting plots, overarching plot, philosophy. I actually learned a few things from this novel that can be applicable to real life. Give it a try

4-5年前我读的是盘龙,现在一直在看修真四万年。看了很多修真小说的我可以自信的说,修真四万年属于最顶端的读物。90%的中国小说写的很糟糕,或者大部分是二次元同人,老梗。很少有现代主角。这本书也有缺陷,但很多方面都很积极。它的人物发展、世界观、情节、转折、大纲、哲学都很不错。让我学到很多有用的现代知识。 尝试下看看吧

Interesting concept w Scifi like star War merge w Cultivation as planet evolve from tr*sh years MC into travelling to other planets w spaceship


Let me start by saying: DO NOT LISTEN to any negative review that hasn't at least finished the first "arc/ volume". Which, I think is around 250+. Their opinions are almost irrelevant. 


I haven't finish this novel yet since the translation hasn't caught up. Usually I go the MTL route, but I find this novel to be very hard to follow with MTL.
First and foremost, this novel got the BEST world building I've ever seen from tens of Xianxia novels I've read. The number one before was I Have A Mansion In Post Apo World and it mostly has to do with the fact that it has current Earth as its background.


If you're tired of pretty girls, petty young masters in eastern fantasy novels, and revenge plots, then you should read this novel.


I'm honestly shocked by how high of a rating this novel has. This has got to be one of the worst offenders for how often the main character gets showered in adoration and praise.


And ofc all those excessive phrases downgrading MC at first from some random not really clever group of people, but then 5 minutes later: "omg, he's a dragon among men!". And why does it happen so often? 


This novel is 3.5 at best, but I rounded it up to a 4.
The translation quality is quite good in webnovel standards. The novel itself is set in a different background with cultivation mixed with modern futuristic gadgets. I think most readers would give it a 5 star when they start reading this because the author truly tries to stand out from the overused cliches of cultivation novels.


The story started off great. The MC was cunning, intelligent and his goals made sense. He wanted to be a refiner. 


I really didn't think I would be seeing another 5 star (just my opinion, of course) novel after reading Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, but, yes, here is another golden nugget. Blending futuristic sci-fi and ancient cultivation together has to be a headache, but this author pulls it off very nicely.


One of my favorite cultivation novels.
It mixes sci fi & fantasy into the story making it a unique flavor/genre. But for me it just makes the story more enjoyable.
If you like a mix between star wars, cultivation, and demonic invasion stories you'll love this


This is a really, really decent mix of sci-fi/cultivation novel. If you read the novel super attentively, you might notice that it feels as if it took some very slight, very miniscule plot elements of WH40K (Emperor who united humanity after devastating war in the distant past, constant war against xeno life forms, total militarization of society, etc.)
Overall, (one of) the best possible sci-fi/cultivation hybrid novels I ever read

这是一部科幻和修真完美结合的小说。如果你仔细阅读这部小说,你可能会发现,它似乎包含了一些《战锤40000》中一些情节。(注:战锤40000 英国游戏公司“游戏工坊”制作的系列桌面战棋游戏)
This is one of the rare few novels where it gets better as it goes on. . It's definitely one of the novels I look forward to reading with very little filler (if you don't include worldbuilding as that).


网文世界原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 网文热评 » 赛博朋克与修真相结合之作——修真四万年。外网评分:4.2分,是一本很有脑洞的小说,外国书友热议
