网文世界 - 一个兴趣使然的无名翻译小站


Spirit Vessel


Spirit Vessel takes place in a mysterious world. There are cultivators rebelling against the heavens and beautiful elegant women with endless grace.


There are peerless experts reincarnating into the world and formidable ancient beasts.


Beneath the earth is the Yellow Springs; above the heavens many saintly palaces float. And there are the seven spirit vessels.

泥土下的黄泉,天空中的宫殿。 还有七只古老的灵舟。

Don't want to flame the translater OR the author cause this might be the type of Novels they like but this might be just not for me I guess cause I really cringed at MC's character and NO I didn't expect some God because its a reincarnation Novel, neither did I expect someone with some kind of Emperor's 'aura' but MC is behaving like a 10 year old and I really dislike such Novels.


Queen of Sheba 
You know when the author creates this exceptional plot twist, and centres the whole story around this one event?
Inconsistent protagonist, whom more often then not doesn't seem to follow established characterisation at all. What will it be mistrust, or lust? What will it be, fame, or infamy? For God's sake author, there's something called characterisation, if a protagonist changes radically there NEEDS TO BE A REASON.


A novel for masochists. You might like it if you like getting tortured, feeling pain, or you like tragedy 


Decided to drop this because of:
MC is acting like a fcking child. Like how he hated the beauty that looks like the one he fell in love with and wanted to take revenge. I mean come on HE is said to be a peerless master. Can't he even conceal his emotion???
And what the fck is with him being surprised every chapter? Does he still have a dignity of a supreme existence in the mortal world? Even though he reached the 'APEX' he gets amazed to those small time elders?
In total really gets me down as the story has many contradictions to what it says about the MC. A peerless expert who gets tempted for treasures that is only worth so-so. I thought he would nonchalantly glance at them because he WAS once a top existence. And a "PHOENIX" nonetheless


This story really is very poorly written. The opening 15 chapters or so were decent, which is what kept me reading until ch 100, but the story really starts to degrade from ch 15 onwards until it becomes a steaming pile of hot shit.
There's no continuity between chapters, characters have wild mood swings and act completely opposite to their established characterizations from one chapter to the next, and plot lines are introduced and dropped wily nily,Sorry Bao, but this novel is legitly terrible



The author of this novel must have some very deep issues and is clearly a sexual deviant. The novel is tr*sh, the author is tr*sh and anybody that enjoys reading this is also tr*sh. Sorry, not sorry 


I have to say that i've never been this angry from reading a story before. If you can get past ch60-62 without spurting blood from anger then you can read this. Otherwise I dont recommend it. 


I read up to 240 before giving up. Very frustrating story. Most stories is like a long road with the occasional curves in them but this sh*t is more like a maze. Things go from left to right and is very jaring.


Well, you have the other reviews, we know how much of a moron the MC is. 
The things about backstabbing and being mistreated by girls makes me wonder if the author is a masochist or if he has had personal experiences regarding being dumped all the time, something which wouldn't surprise me. Clearly, something is going on that makes him write such cringey sh*t.


I don't recommend this novel.
Here we have hundreds yo old top-notch semi-god cultivator who was reincarnated in the body of 15 yo with all of his knowledge and memories. But instead of protagonist with wisdom and knowledge of old here we have brainless imbecile. 
 And terrible level of protagonist actions is just a mirror of terrible level of author writing abilities. In one chapter author could write one things and ten chapters later - totally different. Story is drowning in random skills and powers which absolutely random and without system. Story is drowning in absolutely terrible actions and idiotic situations. This novel is just plain terrible


Well MC was a Phoenix sect Patriarch from Phoenix race
And spending most his time in deep mountain to cultivation, so he being curious to human cities are normal, and it is said in earlier chapters Phoenix could live for 99.000 years so 1.000 years are still young for MC, and his soul fuse with 14-15 yo soul
Well this is a novel not a fcking drama scrip


Pretty interesting and stuff at the start but then it started becoming worst and worst the cultivation system/items he is suppose to be a phoenix with thousand years knowledge but he doesn't know a lot of things in the novel which makes me wonder is he pretending to be s*upid or is he really s*upid ? 


So I started this novel because in the synopsis it was written: "Even if I die I will still love" or something similar.


I'd say this one is actually kinda refreshing to read. The MC is borderline crazy and has idiotic tendency which makes you wonder if he really had lived for 1000 years and become patriarch 


To be honest I don't know what to say about this novel.
It is highly rated among the native chinese readers so there's got to be something to the novel but I just can't see it, for now. The writing is littered with jarring flaws, inconsistencies & plot holes, incoherent plot progression, character contradictions and a lot of repetitiveness.
Decided to drop this.


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