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Against the Gods


Hunted for possessing a heaven-defying object, Yun Che is a young man in both that life and the next. Throwing himself off a cliff to spite his pursuers, Yun Che is reincarnated as Xiao Che.


Just as hated in this life as the previous one, Che must overcome his own hostile clan, his own inability to cultivate, and his own frosty fiancée




Yun Che is one of the most enjoyable protagonists in any Xianxia novel that I have read. I cannot recommend this novel enough -- it has fantastic characters, awesome cultivation, and great humor. The pacing and plot is thoroughly enjoyable. One of the best novels on the site, in my opinion.
The most controversial aspect of the novels would probably be the harem, but each of Yun Che's romantic interests are distinct and interesting in their own right, which in my opinion greatly ameliorates the issue. That said, I am a guy, and the idea of a harem definitely doesn't go *against* my personal tastes.I am in the process of rereading this, so I am not currently caught up to the latest chapter -- I cannot say for certain that the novel hasn't become worse in the time I've been behind, which has been a significant amount of time by now -- I believe the last chapter I read was in the 1400s, and I see it is, as of this writing, in the 1600s, so I am at least 200 chapters behind. Keep that in mind as you consider my review.



Against the Gods, it is a cultivation novel about Yun Che's adventures and improvements.It is one of the first novels I have read, and by far, it is one of the most interesting novels in Wuxia World as of March 2020.It is a harem novel that has absolutely detailed fights as well as the depiction of the beauty of his harem.At some point in the novel, you will call him many names such as Scum Che, Smug Che, Dark Che, and most notably, Dumb Che. He has some points in his life where you just question "Why are you doing stupid shit?!" but then at some parts of the novel you will be amazed by his actions.


It's one of the best novels ever!You can define this novel in a single word "Brilliant".Good!Everything about this novel is literally outstanding. From character devlopment, humour, fight sequence, side stories, villains, plot, good & evil. last but not the least, alyschu does a great great job translating this.



This novel is one of the best on the site period no contest. It's phenomenal in nearly every way. Whether its Yun Che, Scum Che, Dark Che, or Dumb Che, they're all massively enjoyable in their own way. There is awesome combat, waifus(a few too many in my opinion), in depth world building, and much more. This was one of the first books i ever read on this site and it was one of my favorites then, and that still holds true to this day. New readers, you must remember one thing. Fen Juechen is love, Fen Juechen is life.



One absolute constant in this novel is the MC's luck. He is the luckiest person in existence. If he takes a walk, he'll certainly bump into a mythical unfindable legacy seed. If he just blinks his eyes, a loli will fall from the skies to be his guardian. If he enters an organization, it'll definitely be just in time for their once-every-millennium competition. If he gets trapped somewhere and marked KIA, that location will undoubtedly turn out to be a mythical cultivation holy land 



Is this going to be another tales of demon and god's?
I am currently in 1700's of this novel and i absolutely loved it but chapters are not updating regularly now, 1 or 2 chapters a month is a frequency which can give you nightmare if you love the novel, and i understand that the person who was translating the novel/or author (as the case maybe) is exhausted since he has been doing it for so long but an update would be appreciated a lot whether this is going to be updated regularly soon or if not then approximate time as i really don't want to see another "Tales of Demon and God's"



This is the only novel I can't stop spending my money on.It's addictive, like cocaine.Even though at times, the plot can be slightly repetitive, the author has a way to twist the plot, and also develops sub-plots very well (such as the romance, the character development)In many novels, the sub-characters are not very well developed; in ATG, they are not forgotten, and many of them appear on later and its a huge "OMG" moment. Many scenes are emotion-evoking.This was my first novel I picked up ever, and my all time favourite!Highly recommended! Do give it a try!You will not regret this

Jiang Atreus Chen

l'll be short and frank, this is one of the most enjoyable novels to read everdamn, have to write 100 words, so here it comes:this novels starts rather slow but very intriguing, gets more and more interesting with each chapter and the plot twist far ahead are much more good than other predictable novels here.this is one of those novels that i would gladly forget so to enjoy it from the start once again, the only questionable thing about this novel would be the huge harem, but other than that it is really really satisfying reading it.


Basically just fantasy porn with a hint of story. And I love it. Yun Che is easily one of my favorite MC of all time due to his array of personalities (especially Scum and Smooth Che). The plot of the story is fun and so are the characters.
Anyways, I thoroughly enjoy ATG and it’s a good ass read.

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