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Dragon King's Son-In-Law 


Hao Ren, an ordinary university student, saved a little girl who fell from the sky. By accident, he swallowed a "candy" that fell off of that girl's body and somehow became the Dragon King's son-in-law......
His life was turned upside-down from that point on.



The MC is such a wimp he can't even choose between any of them then the author starts introducing the concept of primary and secondary wives which killed the webnovel for me.
So.I gave it 2 since the writing itself was quite pleasant to read compared to other webnovels out there, but the lackluster characters really holds it back. I just think there's way better alternatives out there.


A waste of time. For a slice of life novel, characters were too annoying to be enjoyable.


The start was pretty good but the main female lead ruins the story.
She is an arrogant, willful and she is spoiled rotten by everyone. Mc's childhood friend is a lot better than her, she is good to him and has a nice personality and has some character depth. And ins't annyoying as hell as the main female lead.
The story is that the MC is giving pedophilic vibes and is attracted to the main heroine as he finds her alluring (and don't even ask how author describes these scenes). I mean damn she is just 15 (though her mental age is below 8) and you are 19 have some self control man.



The main character is a college student while the character who is presumably the female lead is a middle-schooler. Worse yet, all of the boys at the college act like they're attracted to her, and she might not even be old enough to be a teenager yet. The MC appears quite unintelligent and lacking common sense in the beginning, so I can't really see this turning into anything useful. The writing is horribly weak. I really can't see anything to like.


Uhhh... this novel is bad... whoever think about reading it, don't. I want to know how it ends because I already read so far and just contemplate if I should stop and just read the last 2 chapters when it's finished... never pay for this s*** on quidan
The only likable and realsitic person in this novel was the old dragon king... all the others are tr*sh!


I forgot most of the plot but I remember having a good time reading it. It's modern cultivation but without the MC constantly offending arrogant young master.



The pairing between main female lead and MC ruins everything good about this novel. There are many better female characters (I am rooting for the childhood friend). The main female character is a middle schooler (MC is a college student) and has the worst personality possible (a rude spoilt brat) with no redeeming qualities. And to make matters worse MC sometimes acts like a pedophile towards the main female lead.It's creepy and disgusting.


To be honest, I think this is a decent webnovel. And before you get your hopes up on this webnovel because of 'cultivation' tag in there. I have to remind & telling you that :
1. There is 'slice of life' tag in there too. The main thing of this webnovel is about the daily life of our MC, Hao Ren. And cultivation is just one of the main part of his daily life.
2. Up until now (ch.28), there is no fighting scene. So, for you who like webnovel with a lot of 'battle between cultivator' scene, I think you have to wait a bit longer.
3. Don't expect a fast plot development. IT'S A SLICE OF LIFE (at least until ch.28).


I droped this as soon as I read the kid character being described as sexy. This is pedo bait for lolicons who are into grooming. In fact, I expect the rest of this novel to a bunch of pedo pandering. This is not the kind of content I want to see on webnovel.


When she is described as sexy it is talking about how she will look not how she looks at the time. Also the age gap between the the mc and his fiancee may seem big at first but in 5-10 years it wont be that big of a deal. Lots of married people have an age gap of a few years and somtimes more.


@Cloux  Building a relationship with somebody underage so that you can date them when they get older is grooming, and that goes against my principals, so I stand by my review.

Just a random and unreasonable Harem hater coming through no big deal.
Harem sucks- all characters are one dimensional.


Dont waste your time on this, though it starts interesting the character development is as bad as it can be. You expct that around 500 chapters with be enough to develop a character, but except the little development regarding the power of the characters, their personality hasnt changed at all and it gets annoying.

This story is so bad because author put pressure on MC but it's don't follow the world logic at all. There are so many force plot and to drag the story author use unreasonable logic to do it and this restriction and unreasonable demand only apply to MC.


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