网文世界 - 一个兴趣使然的无名翻译小站


Spirit Realm


Thirty thousand years ago, the Heaven Fighting Race who called themselves “Gods” invaded Spirit Realm.


Hundreds of races rose up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. The human race was the first to concede, and the rest of the Hundred Races soon followed in succession.


During the subsequent ten thousand years, all of the races were ens*aved by the Heaven Fighting Race. They were cruelly treated, and lived beneath the shadow of terror.


The Heaven Fighting Race’s march of conquest did not stop there. With Spirit Realm as the starting point, they invaded other secret dimensions, and spread war to all corners of existence. After greatly exhausting their combat strength, they were finally defeated by the Hundred Races who took advantage of this opportunity. With no other choice, they fled to the starry skies outside the realm.


Thirty thousand years later, in an era where the Heaven Fighting Race has already faded to become ancient legend, an amnesiac youth possessing the Heaven Fighting Race’s bloodline is being fostered in an insignificant household. Whilst struggling to live on, he silently awaits the day of the bloodline’s awakening.



First of all i'd like to say that you guys are blessed of having this translated by an excellent translator, I have been reading the novel in Chinese since chapter 1 to chapter 1612, haven't finished yet


A month ago I read hundred of chapters of this novel using machine translations and I really liked the novel. I'm glad that it is picked up by veteran translators. 

Has potential, but suffers from lazy combat syndrome, where fights usually just consist of people yelling out their power levels - "Ha, my artifact is lvl 5 but yours is only lvl 4.5! Our cultivation power level is the same, therefore you cannot beat me!" - that sort of grating drivel perpetuates deeply into this novel.

有潜力的小说,但战斗系统太单调了,通常人们大声喊他们的力量等级——“哈,我的等级是5级,你的只有4.5级!所以你不可能打败我!” 这种垃圾话在小说里特别多

Even if there are good elements to the story and characters, this whole thing seems a bit rushed and not very well thought out.
The author is trying really hard to make this title have unique aspects, but instead of coming up with something good


After I learnt that this novel is by the same author as God of slaughter and Great Demon King. I got hooked right off the bat, but to my disappointment this has nothing like that cruel, evil, gory and anti-hero MCs like in those novel. This novel has actually none of that, in fact it feels pretty much your generic shounen/harem story.


Why isn't this novel #1 in the rankings??
Normally I don't review for novels that are clearly good and established but this one deserves an exception.

Nasz D 
This is the first novel by Ni Cang Tian's work that I read. I read the novel description, and it piqued my interest. I don’t know about his other work, but because it is being translated by Alyschu team so I gave a try.
Well, to my taste, I don’t like this kind of writing style.


I would say people who have dropped this novel early on are missing a lot. This is one of the best light novels I have ever read. The characters have clear traits, and develop really well. The MC is rational, thinking and smart, though he is pretty powerful, and he is quite under powered in the universe and has many close shaves. 

I hate harem novels but I can normally suffer through them well enough but what this author did just made me sick to my stomach:


Whew. Just binge read this all or yesterday and today. What I can tell you about this novel is that it is very very good. Not sure why the other reviews are so negative. 


This novel is really good. I personally think that the detailed description is a very good thing to the story. We know every character deeply, unlike others novels that the are all one-sided. 


I enjoyed the story, I don't know what's there to not enjoy.
Heroine so far is likable, has depth compared to other series. Does not look like a harem, a massive plus on my side, I mean if I want harem XianXia, they're everywhere.


Great read. I like characterization in this novel, everybody personality keeps developing on as the story goes with their power and fame. Great side characters. There are several twists and turns. Normally MC is calm, rational, cautious but during the fight like a spilt-personality, he becomes crazy. 


Interesting novel, however, very inconsistent.
A strong protagonist drives the plot, he is not swept along by it. In this novel, our MC is not only swept along by the novel, he is dragged completely all over the place. The beginning of the novel was interesting enough, and presented us with what (I think) was a somewhat unique situation for the MC making you begin to build an interest in him. However, after the a while while, it's all thrown out the window. The MC undergoes a massive personality shift, the story goes completely haywire, and the same continues to happen throughout the story. 


One word for the current top review of this novel: OVERRATED


I don't recommended reading this novel. This novel is purely a waste of time. The author is really good at wasting people's time for money. If you are an M then read this bs cause you'll surely be getting what you want.


It took me a while to realise this, but this Author just isn't for me.
Every single time he starts off a story that keeps me interested and I actually read quite a bit of it...
Only to wind up dropping it and discontinue reading it, and feeling reluctant to even try and read some more.

I held off reading this story because of the negative reviews. I finally read it because I had nothing else to read, and was surprised to discover the story being quite good, so far. It is not a great novel, but some of the criticism is unfounded. There is a reason why the MC is in a state of intellectual disability and it is explained early in the story. 


网文世界原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 网文热评 » 灵域外网评分3.8!中国传统转世后宫小说。优点是:小说篇幅很长,量大管饱!缺点:无脑,套路,臃肿。外国书友热议
