

Warlock of the Magus World


When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his curiosity and desire for power push him to pursue magic.


In a world without mercy, Leylin has no qualms about doing anything if it means benefits. He is cold, ruthless and calculating, never forming attachments that could impede his ultimate goal



Around 800 to 1000 chapters I dropped by the third/last time. Idk how my review on this novel still gets... lost.


Like many people said, the MC isn't scientist at all! All of his scientist part come from the ridiculous OP AI chip he has in his past life that somehow got transported alongside him! And he doesn't have the mindset of scientist! The analysis, research and deduction the scientist usually have is done by his s*upidly OP AI chip! And it was done in matter of second! The MC just take what the AI chip deduce as his own without slightest doubt! Very scientific of him! No effort at all!


WMW is not a novel for kids. By that I mean there no princes on white horses, a whole bunch of lucky things and so on. It is well written with logical flow given to the plot. If you are looking for SMART MC, that is the thing you must read. He is not running wild and offends everyone he sees.


I love this novel, It has an interesting world, good pacing and a main character I really like. Yes, our main character is a homicidal, egotistical psychopath, but so is everybody else, so you might as well go with him. 


After reading around 60 chapters of this novel I can only say that this novel is majorly disappointing. The main character is claimed to be a scientist yet does not preform any action that a scientist would; rather, he simply orders his "deus ex A.I. Chip" to essentially act as google-sensei and tell him the solution to all of his problems. 


"Deus ex AI Chip". That's what this story should have been named. First of all somebody please tell me how this guy is considered a "scientist" when the AI chip literally does ALL his thinking and analyzing for him. He doesn't have to move a single brain cell! Is that what counts as being smart where he's from? He is little more than a body for the AI chip to act through and literally CANNOT do anything by himself if the chip were to suddenly stop working because he relies on it completely.


I'm quite shocked about all those low reviews, seriously, the MC is true to his personality, some of his decision might be cold, but hey, if you put a little thought, he's just a rational and reasonable man, and using his brain all the time


Simple As It 
The story was so s*upid, everything is done by A.I. Chip from his previous world, the MC doesn't appear as scientist at all, he just like ordinary person with help of OP artifact.


I had no problem with the MC not being a "white knight" kind of MC, but when he starts to be a regular evil mage, I loose all interest in his survival.


The MC isn’t a ruthless person, but he is so f*cking heartless. He doesn’t care at all about his friend. And I am not sure about the “scientific” part. He just got an A.I. Inside his soul that the same as typical xianxia where the MC got an amazing artifact. At the beginning I enjoyed it, but lately the story become nah.


Great premise, really bland execution.
I REALLY wanted to like this, because I love mages and magic schools, and the premise is great. But unfortunately, everything excluding the premise is sub-par. The characters are bland, Leylin is not only boring but also lacks the superior intelligence and reasoning


Not a very good story. Lots of issues. Some of them may be due to translation issues, but more likely are caused by the author. As other reviewers have pointed out, the MC is not a “Scientist” No scientific method, no real experiments. Rather it’s a guy who got a magical artifact. The MC is simply a sociopath with no redeeming features or qualities. Apart from the occasional Skill Up, there is no character progression, nothing to make us invested in him, other then the fact that he is the MC. Additionally the world is so poorly constructed and thought out, and some events so poorly considered that immersion constantly breaks down as you scratch your head saying huh, what, why?!? Rather then delve and into greater detail I will simply say, there are way too many plotholes in the story. I read up to around chapter 100, and then couldn’t be bothered to read further. I simply can’t stand the MC, or this poorly written story any further


World building (initial 10+) chapters kinda dull but after passing that it is a breeze. Not your typical chinese novel: no harem, no s*upid or naive MC, no bloodthirsty MC either, no revenge focus, just a pure journey to the top


When I read this novel review I imagine tony stark get blasted and died then rebirth with jarvis in his body. LoL.
But it so wrong. After I read this novel, I realize maybe tony stark isnt so bad even if hes a egomaniac at least he have conscience and morality.
The MC in this novel isnt your typical MC. Call him douche, jackass, bastard, villain, A**hole, jerk, and many more are`nt wrong.


2nd edit. Downgraded from 4/5 to 3/5, now again to 1/5. Does this novel look interesting to you? Then go read "The Wizard World" which this novel poorly copies. This novel did a 1:1 copy of the main plot-lines, world, and magic systems from TWW while managing to absolutely ruin all character development and charm. In WMW every single person is a sociopath, which means that there is almost no characterization, no charming or unique characters, and a very bland and narrow cast of one dimensional villains. Go read the original before you read the second rate knockoff. PS. This novel also has the worst as*hole of an MC of all the tr*sh xianxia I've read so far. (Which is far more than most)


I changed my mind, MC is tr*sh simple meatbag carried by op ai chip that he without would be dead in a day. I also dislike that this novel is plagiarism of The Wizard World.


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