

Tales of Demons and Gods


Enmities of the past will be settled in this new lifetime. “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the Gods that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”



Dao Of Space
This novel is good for starters but it was many big problems. First it's just cliche second characters are very rushed and not too interesting, like the characters didn't have a redeeming factor in rebirth of the urban immortal the MC was ruthless and he had a decent personality and most characters in it were written pretty well not perfect but well unlike tales of demon and God. Third they just focus too much on the romance aspect of the novel/manga and the worst part is it's sickening how bad it's written. 


Looking back I now realize that I was too harsh on this novel in my review. Yes, the novel is full of cliché tropes but author is good in exciting action scenes and making bad guys feel dreaded. So if you're looking for something full of adrenaline then it's for you. This novel is not for me though due to its female characters. I could stand the repetitive plot, dumb enemies and plot holes but couldn't handle the annoying romance. The main love interest is one dimensional idiot. She has no personality at all and it makes you wonder why author wants us to give a damn about the s*upid pedophile love. All the other female love interest are idiots as well who fall for him due to s*upid reasons 


I don’t really know how this is really popular. Its not even a good “new game + ” type series.
And the MC is a terrible person, not to mention the writing itself.


MC constantly feels the need to remind us of how awesome he is in comparison to everyone else and even treats the elders as if they are fools for not being as awesome as he is. People (including the protagonist) need to keep in mind that Nie Li has had many fortuitous opportunities and has had a much, much larger lifespan than just about everyone he's met in his home city, so how does he feel the need to ridicule everyone so often? It would be like a grown man being reborn as a child and jeering at another infant for not being able to do linear algebra when it's so simple for him to do so. Maybe it seems like I'm nitpicking, but this sort of thing happens far too often, in nearly every chapter in fact that it completely irritates me and takes me out of the immersive experience.


It was a 4/5 when I started the series. It was the cliche strong male lead story that drawn me into it and well the fast updates. But all that stoped when it reach around chapter 110+-, don't remember specifically which.


Like most Chinese novels, they start off really well, but then gets repetitive or too biased for anyone to read or like the MC. This is one of them, I dropped this early on because the pattern was pretty obvious at that point, anymore reading and I'd be wasting my time.



Don't waste your time.Go away!


One of the worst writing I've seen.
One of the worst plot I've seen.
The number one MC I want dead!
The writing is pathetic and keeps changing the plot every time.


This is actually a decent novel with an OP MC who isn't so ruthless and kills everyone who offends him. There is a good motive that pushes the plot and will you keep interested.


Great novel! High level xianxia with interesting world, cultivation, MC and other characters. It is one of the best xianxias that are being translated right now. P.S. Also unlike what review below mine says MC is not selfish,


The Main Character is far to reckless and egoistic. He has a huge ego.


I don't like rating bad but this story really doesn't deserves more than that.
When I read it, I thought that it was written to satisfy a 13 years old's complexes like being intelligent, praised by everyone, being loved by each and every woman (even if they are waaaaay older than you), not having to show respect to anyone. Not only that, it's really bad written. A single person point of view would have suited the book better, and I'd like to tell this person that knowledge doesn't mean intelligence. To me, he's everything except a genius.
Third point, everyone should have noticed that his amount of knowledge is fishy. Like, really fishy


I liked the story at first but it starts to drag a bit for me. There have been times that I just scrolled through the chapter. Then there’s also the issue with the MC. Very arrogant, disrespectful, even in his clan/family. No respect for the elder just because he has knowledge from being reborn and money. He casually does stuff without fear of being reprimanded, it’s not inspiring, just obnoxious at times... I kinda want to hit him myself a few times... 13yo who has the gull to walk into a 13yo bathing and when the dad catches him he still retorts back like it’s his right... then tells the dad that he’ll stomp him a year after... so what if he can? Doesn’t give him the right... I want to stomp his face instead


After reading 200+ chapters I am really confused why is it the top ranked novel. Author (or maybe the translator) doesn't seem to understand what "prose" is and how it applies to a conversation and inter weaving a story


Arrogant MC quick growth rate, well translated and relief from action by the introduction of a comic element here and there. Story flows and isn't dragged out. Recommended to all 5/5


Strong initial story, that devolves into absolute inane bullsh*t as the author gets progressively more bored with his project. Mad Snail is notorious for this and the notoriety remains justified


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