

Renegade Immortal


Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although he and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents have always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great.


One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal!




This is a shining example of the genre. Although it can be difficult to follow at times, unlike alot of novels, which fall off part way, this one only gets better the further it progresses. It feels less like you're reading a story and more that you're peering into another world and following the struggle and Journey /Dao of Wang Lin through his life. I absolutely love the philosophy involved and the progression of the outlook/personality of the main character; In the world of Renegade Immortal it is clear to see that one must gain wisdom and enlightenment in order to cultivate to immortality. You can see the feelings and life experiences that the author has poured into his work. The characters are human, and their stories in their realness evoke real emotions. This is an experience you shouldn't miss.A must read!



This is one of the best Xianxia novels out there. Even though it starts out slow, it is akin to an uphill road of action. The action, the story, the characters, all only go up in intensity. This is also the author's first work, and one could spot the roughness in the early chapters. But he did a good job as both him and the novel evolved over the novel's length. In the novel, we get to see the life of Wang Lin and his personality growing from a naive kid to a ruthless cultivator. We observe his troubles, his enemies, his friends and family. The path is not easy for him, but he preserves. The side characters, they are quite good. Some of the villains are also quite menacing, and leave an impact. There is romance too, but it is not stellar imo, and is one of the weak parts of the story.



My favorite novel without a doubt.If you are looking for a novel where character development is taken to the next stage, well this is the novel for you.Wang Lin's journey is just one of the things that not only will you read and enjoy, it's something that will change you as a person and you will definitely come out better after you give this novel a read.Only aspect you might feel disappointed about is romance, which let's be honest is quite bad, but also surprisingly pure. It is NOT harem, it might by definition fall under that category, but trust me it is NOT harem.I don't recommend binge reading this, I think it's more enjoyable reading it slowly and taking your time.This is my first and only review I'll give ever.


Currently the best Xianxia that I ever read.
The character development kinda slow in the beginning but it build up quite fast. The boost from the beads also only happen in the beginning too, the MC then rely on his wits and hard work.The action, the battle, the struggle to survive is really something.after sometime there is plot armor in his cultivation speed tho, like when some "genius" took hundred to thousand of years to cultivate he become lucky and acquire the power in just few years at most its just hundred of years, even tho it always said that without good foundation the cultivation will just become "shallow" or something.the bad:There is some element of romance to, not satisfying one. but it is there, and one of the main story element.and then the ending. it just too sudden, feels like the author just don't want to continue anymore and then drop the bomb and boom... its ending. and an open ending too boot. just pick the piece you like and that's your ending.


It's sad, it's brutal, it's heartbreaking, it's beautiful and it's an all and all great read. It's Renegade Immortal. A book that I would argue is the greatest work of Er Gen's career.It starts brutal. The MC is awful at cultivating, the cultivation world in this novel is much more ruthless and manipulative compared to other novels and you can feel the frustration of the MC. Our MC risks life and limb, as well as his fundamental well-being to become better. To become strong enough to protect those he loves without regard to the consequences and it shows time and time again in this novel.Give it a read, you won't regret it.


One of the best novels. It starts from zero, from a level close to reality and advances to immortals, which makes it easier to get into it and feel it. One reason for it's greatness is, that the mc doedn't have any percular talent or some overpowered mystical assistance. Naturally there is some support at the beginning by some strong people but after sometime he advances alone throughout the story and goes against the will of heavens. The character of the mc is also one of the most important factors. His development ftom an unyielding young man to an shrewd immortal is really entertaining. All in all it's one of my favourite novels.



Well, I just finished Renegade Immortal and I am a little sad about it. I read it over a long period of time and for a while I put off reading the last several chapters because I was sure I wanted it to end yet. But...After a while I thought I better finish it....I have to say that although I started this series with ISSTH, I really love both these novels. I have seen people arguing over which one was better but to me there is not really a comparison as far as that goes because they are really two very different entities. Both characters are awesome and they go through very different struggles throughout their lives. Meng Hao is funny, while Wang Lin is very serious most of the time. But they are equally as powerful in what they are going through. Anyway...this is an awesome novel. I really recommend it.



After reading couple thousand chapters any ending is fine by me. I do recommend reading it even if the end is a bit weak or short given how epic the entire story is.



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