

I Shall Seal the Heavens


“What I want, the Heavens shall not lack!”

“What I don’t want, had better not exist under the Heavens!”

This is a story that originates between the Eighth and Ninth Mountains, the world in which the strong prey upon the weak.

“My Name is Meng Hao! The Ninth Generation Demon Sealer, I shall seal the Heavens!”


I’m new to the Xianxia theme novels, and honestly the numbers of novels that I’ve read are very few, it’s so few that it didn’t exceed the number of my fingers. Despite of that I can tell that ISSTH is really exceptional to many chinese web novels. If you don’t wanna read this long review, just go to the Enjoyment section.


I can't even begin on how amazing ISSTH is. Words can't describe this masterpiece. This story is truly splendind in every single sense whatsoever. This story will make you laugh your ass off, will make you emotional, will make you pumped up and will make you cry. You're in a for one hell of an emotional trip.


Demonic Reader

It's start slow and a bit boring. Nothing fascinating. But after the 1st book, your blood boiled, you qi rotated like hurricane. After 3rd book, you'll sever your mouse and kept pounding on your F5, hoping you might be able to join the greatest of every realms, the F5 sect!


Beginning of the story was good. A scholar gets kidnapped and becomes a cultivator in a small sect. Was interesting in seeing a normal person slowly getting used to the world of violence.

A blooming flower amidst piles of cow dung; clouds compared to mud; simply put, the difference between Heaven and Earth.


I Shall Seal the Heavens (ISSTH) is one of my favorite xianxia series out there as the story doesn't follow the usual rinse and repeat format unlike the other popular novels out there.


This is by far the best novel here, and I've read a lot of them. All the characters are well fleshed out and the relationships between characters are very well developed. The plot is extremely well thought out and the story is incredibly entertaining. The MC is my favorite amongst all the CN/KR/JP web novel MCs that I've read. He has no annoying characteristics - something that is incredibly rare in the web novel world, where most characters seem to be one dimensional cliches most of the time. All actions he takes are sensible and the relationships he develops with other characters make perfect sense. The relationships that he has with his family members are incredibly deep and powerful, but they are also very realistic and well depicted. There is only one serious romantic relationship - another characteristic that is rare in the web novel world where harems seem to be the norm. I really appreciate this as I usually don't like harem relationships as they feel very shallow and unrealistic. There are really no more words that I can think of to do justice to this incredible masterpiece. This is an amazing amazing novel and it makes me wait eagerly for the next update every single day. To end, I'd like to also add that the translator working on this novel is one of the very best translators out there. He is dedicated, consistent and provides extremely high quality translations at an impressive pace


One of the best novel so far I have read in my life, Meng Hao is so good and cool. I would recommend this novel for everyone.


Daoist LastWish
This is quite literally the best Xianxia novel I have read to date (Except Ze Tian Ji - but that novel is in a completely different league altogether). It is a Xianxia which actually has a plot! A most shocking thing! Additionally, it has some very funny comedic scenes, some nice emotional scenes, and lots of well written fight scenes.


While I can’t say this is the best written Xianxia, as I don’t read Chinese, this is certainly the best translation out there.


If nothing else, read this novel. It starts out a little slow, but the character development makes it all worth it.


Welcome to ISSTH, abbreviated from I shall seal the heavens. Our protagonist, Meng Hao, is a simple scholar who is kidnapped along with a few others to a sect on its decline to either remain as a servant or become a cultivator. He, of course, becomes a cultivator.


Unless you are in a firm position of refusal, for whatever reasons you may have, you will not regret giving this a chance. Honestly, just read 10 or so chapters, you will love it. Review anyways!


It starts off so well. The main character is interesting and fairly unique, and the progression happens at a pretty good rate. He seems intelligent and I like how he specifically doesn't talk during combat.


I am thoroughly annoyed!!! Not because the novel is bad, but on the contrary it is just too good. After reading this I just can't build up the motivation to read any other Novels anymore they all just feel mediocre in comparison


Very very good novel. Don't be put off by the slow start, it's one of those novels that only really comes into its own if you have the patience to get past the first couple hundred chapters. If you don't, well it's probably not for you then.


Don't let the serous and dark prologue fool you. The story will progress to become one of the most moving story you'll ever read. You will experience all elements of surprise and emotion. Man, this novel FEELS!


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