

Terror Infinity


“Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?” 

The world shall change when you click YES. 

In God’s dimension, you have to keep getting stronger, keep evolving to survive the never-ending horrors. 

Will you kill everyone in your way to reach the end as a lone king? Or fight along with your comrades and survive through the support of friends? Everything is just for staying alive, until you find the secret of God’s dimension. 

Who is the true enemy?




If you have time to waste, or you are just looking for a good story with good character developement then this is your story. I have read all of the chapters. In the beggining you are thrown into a world without limits and are confused. After the first initial arc(which I would say that is the first movie) is when the story gets interesting. On the other hand I feel like the author should have not rushed and put more thought into the world, and side characters. All in all, i simply suggest that you give this story a try, but do not be overwhelmed by the number of chapters. It is easy to read, and easy to follow the story. The only thing I do not like is that there are two other sequels to this that I have not read. They do not pertain to the original story, so i suggest that you only read this masterpiece. In my opinion I would rate this story a 8.2 out of 10 simply



I really like this novel, it was one of the first novel I have read along with novels like coiling dragon and stellar transformation back in the days. I still remember that this site only had coiling deagon translated by renwoxing
It has brought me a lot of happy memories
So when I saw that
wuxiaworld continued translating terror infinity I was very happy. But what I don't understand is that the name of the translator is only Wei, when obviously the works vol 1 to 19 is clearly translated by a0132.
If Wei and a0132 is the same person then i have no objection, but if not... I hope that Wuxiaworld also put his name on it. It is the least he deserves.



well, this soap opera will bring you a mixture of sensations, ranging from interest, fun, disappointment, fulfillment, anger, frustration.
the characters are interesting to a certain extent, but with the advancement of history the MC becomes increasingly stupid, famous case of the strong guy but stupid like a door. does power bring dementia?
the background story related to the films is very cool, and until the end they are worth it, although my favorite is still the first, as there is a much greater sense of imminent death than in any other film in the novel

The Slaine Blade

If you are a horror fan who is unsatisfied with the current rules of this world, then why not take your chances in a few worlds of Infinite horrors?! Although the storyline may seem crude and sometimes convenient this is one series that I would dare say is anything ordinary. Following team China as they begin to unravel the truth behind these worlds which seem too cruel to be true.
There is both anticipation for the hero triumph, anxiety for their perilous situation while not knowing as to who will die next. And the relief of seeing your favorite character survive another horror only for them to enter the fray in the next.
Words cannot Express how highly I reccomend this particular novel!



I think this novel has a very good concept that is fairly well executed. It is full of excitment and tragidy. I just could not have enough of it. 30h of reading time an I'm already halthway though.
The one thing I think it could do better was giving more motivation for the mc, but besides that I would struggle to pick flaws(except for grammar) in the story. Now, spoiler territory down below in the rest of the review. And Personaly I think that resurrection was handled very well personally.



I liked the book a lot and it was refreshing not to have to wait day in an day out for new chaps or another book and just be able to binge read. All in all I give it a 5/5 it kept me glued the whole time and it was a breath of fresh air And I’m happy with the amount of character development there is. This book is definitely worth reading and I can honestly say it easily makes my top ten lis


Winged Hussar

If you are into movies/games/anime and books in general then you'll probably enjoy several parts of this series - If you aren't, well you just might be interested in a few after reading this.
It definitely isn't perfect, though, most of the characters are very well done and the cast overall is great and the interactions make it even better. The story is very different from what I've experience up to this point as well.
There isn't much to say, I find it to be very good and frankly it makes me want a physical copy - definitely give it a try.



I liked this one. It's a mystery filled with action and otherworldly powers. It may even answer the age-old question of whether a Gundam can defeat a vampire dragon.
The one thing this novel does best, is allow tactics and strategy to play major roles. Not all fights are won by two people measuring who has the strongest finisher. These are team battles where the environment, social standing, cunning, and knowledge decides who lives and who dies. A lot of people will die.I was not a huge fan of the ending, but there is a sequel. The sequel is not on WW, unfortunately.

我不太喜欢结局,但还有续集。不幸的是,续集不在WW上。(注:WW:wuxiaworld 缩写)


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