

The Sovereign's Ascension


As a lawyer back on earth, Lin Yun had never lost a case. He owed his success to three things: two blessings he received at birth (a photographic memory and the ability to comprehend anything he studies) and an indomitable will he forged himself.

While on a trip in Shandong province, he decided he would pay a visit to Mt. Tai. Just as he was cresting the peak, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and his vision went black.

Upon waking up, he found himself in the world of Profound Amber occupying the body of a sword slave who had shared his name. The last thing he remembered before dying was the image of a sword piercing his chest.Why?



It's a classic take on the typical wuxia type novel, with a twist. This time it's a lawyer that inhabits the body of a sword slave. We get an intelligent main who considers his next move strategically. There is a love interest but again as wuxia goes love is usually on the side not the main focus. Also the book is fast-paced which is pretty great considering how many slow-paced novels we have. Lastly, we got a mysterious sword chained up inside of him that has a bunch of seals on it that could be a make or break for this novel on what its about.


He might be a lawyer but so far, it hasn't mattered any at all. He could just as easily have been a random homeless person without any work experience his whole life, and i doub he would act much different from this guy after being reincarnated. Being a lawyer, you would expect a mature and intelligent MC who plans ahead. But none of that seems to be happening. Instead he acts like an angry little boy(affected by the originals memories some commenters say). But that makes little sense, since the original killed himself. Angry people don't off themselves, depressed people do.


People are confusing the word padded filler with slow pace lol


knijn -
He is hiring an editor rn



Couldn't agree more about the editing. It's kinda a mess right now with the awkward mixture of past and present tenses spread throughout some of the sentences which really interrupts the reading flow.
Likewise, there are some weird word choices along with the occasional just incorrect words.
Hopefully, they go back and re-edit these chapters before leaving sneak peek.
I had to stop reading after chapter 7, tried again, and couldn't make it past chapter 14.


While the story itself is not original, and let's face it after reading tons of xianxia and xuanhuan what is?, it is well executed and well paced. It is never boring and has one of the better first 50 chapters I have read in a long while. The MC is cautious and tactical and he does plan his moves. I guess my only critique is the romance part, it is cliche but I'm willing to overlook that for now and let the author further flesh it out in the next succeeding chapters.
Give it a try you may like it.


I don't have a hundred words to spare .. I only have a few. Tired of waiting for the next chapter. I'm like refreshing my bookmarks page like 5-6 times every hour all day. killing me slowly with all the waiting. I ended up finishing 50 chapters within half a day. please guys. I believe that should be enough to show the story is great. fast paced. but clear. like the MC's character. author has already begun to implement main plotline related events. MC and romantic interest has an unspoken past, plus she's got her own issues. (transmigrated mc yet to figure it out), he's got some crazy sword sealed inside. still in the dark regarding details. I can feel a LC type slap maestro in the making now that he's all swag. it'll be great if it continues like this. that is if the project hasn't been dropped yet.... sorry all the waiting has already begun to brew festering thoughts.


Lol, Read other novels, bro. There are lots of novels in different websites but most of all the novels can be found on novelupdates website. Pretty interesting novels i had come across based on cooking, alchemy, musics, assasins, erotics, 21st century themes with natural abilities no wuxia or xianxia or super powers. Its pretty interesting.


Well lets go back and feel grateful about how much frustration and boring chapters author saved.


bruh by the same account most lawyers don't have a good family because they spend all their time making money


Thanks for the proper review, I’ll try to tank the bad translations though. The worst I’ve seen was two pages filled with nothing but symbols so this is at least readable.


Life is a Game 
lord of all realms is done im planning to pick this up, but translation is bad? ive read worse, hopefuly it het fixed, nice review there. a real critic. 


Damn sounds like a pretty good story that id be interested in but a bad translation can ruin a masterpiece so sounds like im not going to pick this up which is sad


It's on hiatus indefinitely I think, though I heard that the author was going to continue it in 2021 so I don't really know


I read that the MC had photographic memory and the ability to comprehend anything he studies. So...... what exactly did he do to forge an indomitable will? Imo, the logic was thrown in the trash bin right there. I wouldn't read this expecting anything logical.


Try to please read to the latest chapter, it’s gets better


I'm a noob at sword novels but this one caught my attention and i'm excited reading this.Give it a try!
Good to new readers of sword novels, and for novel beginners.
I read till the chapter 19 but based in what i see here, his hardwork and will to become strong seems more satisfactory than in others sword novels. 
Hope u all enjoy the novel and don't forget to always cultivate the dao of swords.


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