
烟雨江南-罪恶之城 海外读者对小说精彩内容赞叹不已

City of Sin


Every drop of this family bloodline is stained with sin. They are the embodiment of contradiction; calm yet maniacal, with great memories yet often forgetful. They pledge themselves to their dreams yet often compromise, are angels that are also devils

The only hope of his family, a youth with the blood of elves and demons walks on a battleground of annihilation and rebirth. He wills his way through boiling lava and icy depths, making a killing on this field of despair to strike down the lofty figure in his sight. One day he’ll grasp his blade tightly and

survey his surroundings, only to find no more enemies to kil



Oh my God. I got the chills so many times toward the end of this book. It completely blew my mind. It managed to surpass my high expectations AND be nothing at all like I expected.
Let me preface this with an apology. If I sound a little undescriptive , I can't help it. My mind is completely fried by this book.
The world-building is so fully fleshed out and spine-tinglingly terrifying that it's almost as if the author travelled to such a world, escaped from it, and then just wrote it all down.
Simply amazing. The only downside was that I felt that the ending was a little too rushed. You can also check out the other works of this author, which are Monarch of Evernight and Demon hunter.



I can say for sure that Book 5 Chapter 01 was the best of all books, ohh and that prologue, simply amazing


This novel is about a kid named Richard trying to figure out his place in life, getting sucked in a massive conflict between powerful factions and legendary beings, thus being forced to forge himself a path to survival, for both his friends and his family.
The novel is, in my opinion, the best one on this website by miles. The names are Western so there's no confusion when it comes to remembering characters. The world is massive and full of interesting locations and factions (you will really get a fell of it as you read). The characters are all very well developed, a lot of them to the point that they could have their own novel. Also the novel is much more realistic when it comes to how challenges and problems are approached.
As you will progress through the story you will feel the massive scope of the world and its intricacies, the interactions between characters are meaningful and few of them are stepping stones, most of them having a big influence on Richard, be they enemies, friends or family. The story is good and and the author writes with meaning and doesn't treat readers like idiots expecting them to accept anything he writes. It will get a bit rushed in the last few chapters but things will fall into place nicely so there's no need to worry.
In conclusion, its a great novel and you should read it.



I can never remember the eastern names beside MC and a couple of other important side characters.



When it comes to Chinese names, i've never had an issue remembering them, it's pronouncing them that i have issues with.


Great novel. This is not my usual reading, but having noticed that the translation was done I quickly picked it up and gave it a try. And boy am I glad I did. As a lot of the regular readers have mentioned, the worldbuilding is amazing to say the least. There are of course still some unresolved plot holes at the end, but pretty minor considering everything. The ending is just the teeniest bit rushed, in my opinion (I do not expect chapters detailing fights where our MC is already overwhelmingly overpowering). The last line is super hilarious lol, as always putting our MC in his place. Overall, I love this novel and highly recommend it, having just binged through it!


Great Demon
really liked the whole story amd got really absorved in it and read it in 3 weeks with no other books inbetween while still dealing with other life stuff.
Story has a lot of character growth and a lot of questioning different things and not just accepting things as fact without fact checking yourself, the book does not shy from dark themes and can be very unforgiving towards the mc, some of his closest allies and friends die without ever getting resurected something a lot of writes liektp deus-ex machina away and have them revive.
I absolutely reccomend this book but i do also admit that it dpes have its own failures within, but to me overall it was a great book and i do reccomend it!
Oh btw the only harem book i think i ever liked


Another one of my favorite trio. Top notch worldbuilding/ politics , factions and scheming mind blowing. enjoyed the more Western fantasy a lot as a taste breaker from cultivation etc. Best thing after worldbuilding: everything has an explanation and reasoning behind it, can't remember any plot holes after finishing the book. Plot armor is almost non existent as even some powers and protectors of the MC find trouble coming their way. The MCs power are actually his decision-making, decisiveness and diligence. He values bonds, friendship and camaraderie. power and law system was certainly exciting and something i would love to see in another novel. Also should definitely read if you enjoy weak to strong protagonist


If there's one defining aspect of this book, I'd say it's the relationships. As he becomes more powerful, his connection to his friends and family still change and develop without any severance. The mortal struggles never cease, and that's what really makes me enjoy the novel throughout its course.
Cultivation plays a side character in this, as the army-building and world exploration take center stage. As you read about the potential of how far he can go, it makes you more satisfied as he develops into a general who can lead armies and pressure those who challenge his might.
Unfortunately, the potential falters through, as the ending can leave a bitter taste in what most people would expect to be one of the best endings that an eastern fantasy novel could contain. 


Atomsk King
Excellent world building and lore building, as well as characters and plot. A slow starter than speeds up fairly quickly and will easily catch your attention. The characters are fun and likable, while the enemies aren't constantly just throwing themselves at Richards feet to be slapped and forced to cowtow at every turn. Although the ending isn't my favorite, the journey more than made up for the destination 100x over. If you're new to this website or just wuxia in general, this is a great place to start your adventure into new worlds and planes.
Absolutely recommend reading this! 8.5/9 out of 10


Winged Hussar
A very enjoyable story throughout if you liked the first couple chapters though some of the more drawn out bits, as you would expect, do drag on and may make you lose interest.
My main issues comes with how short the ending was in comparison to the rest of the series, very important events were handled in mere paragraphs and some only at the end of a sentence which is a shame considering how well they were portrayed u[ to this point and kept on our mind.
With that being said, there are a few surprises with the final book which were very nice to see. The moments meant to stir emotion do a fairly good job if you really get into throughout the whole experience so there isn't much more to ask for.
The team did a great job translating and editing it with only a few slip ups throughout the entire series. 


This is an amazing novel, not without flaws, but worth a read.
The setting is very unique and interesting. The characters, even the side ones, are very well written. The story is well told and it will trigger emotions, it made me happy and excited at times, and some times sad and depressed.
Some of the negatives are that descriptions can get wordy, you can go a few chapters with zero dialogue, which makes it feel like the story is slow, specially when you are waiting for the next chapter, but now that it is completed this should not be as much of an annoyance. The ending also felt a little rushed, or maybe i just wished it had not ended where it did, regardless i don't regret reading this and would recommend it to a friend.


Solid State
Brilliant read, starts slow but gains momentum and keeps it. Great plot and world-building genuinely great character development. Stands head and shoulder above the rest. Side characters have greater development and enemies have a real objective and reasonable goals. The mc is level headed and intelligent and the female characters are well written and have strong personalities of their own. The story is captivating in the overarching sense as well as the day to day sense. Unlike many other novels, this doesn't get repetitive and personally this is my favour light novel to date.



one of the best novels ive ever read. for real, cultivation isnt really the focus, its more on army builiding and stuff. I dont reallly know how to explain it but its good. mightve been a little rushed at the end but all authors get tired of novels so dont hate the author :3. i dont really have anything else to say and just wanted to give motiv to reading this but I need a hundred words lol so id like to thanks the author , the editor, the artists, the translators, the other people in the reviews section, and anyone else that made it possible for me to read this masterpiece
thought i would just rot on our quarantine but i luckily came upon this gem. 


This novel is an unusual piece of art that I fell in love with the moment it was released.
The prologue might scare you, the universe totally different but it is also one of the greatest hero's journey I've read here: the world, characters, power level, politics, war... It is an amazing feat to cover all of them properly and making them so interesting.
While some chapters will feel long, the cliff is always rewarding.
You will fall in love with some of them, hate others to the deepest while some will confuse you till the end, but this is also the power of the author: you get attached to them and for that feat only it's worth it.
Richard Archeron is a name that fully deserves to be elevated and respected, and boy it's a long and delicious ride that awaits you !


Rating: 9/10
Very much a must-read novel. The characters are done beautifully with few exceptions, the relationship and the plot really pulls you in the story. One of the key things that the story does well in is the kingdom building and the political parts aren’t boring. The situations it sets are believable and is written very well. You can really feel the emotions of the main character and those around him. Most of the characters are very likable with strong personalities. The fights aren’t prolonged or stretched unnecessarily and are done quickly but still have the same impact in showing excitement and danger from the fights. And the world-building is just amazing that it feels very real.



This is probably my favorite wuxia I've read so far. I thought nothing would ever beat out coiling dragon for me but this one did, just slightly. Desolate era is also solid. The best western version would be the cradle series. If you enjoyed any of the ones I've listed above, you'll certainly enjoy this series.
Just a note though. The first 2 or 3 books have quite a few chapters on extremely long winded descriptions on setting. Roughly 20 or so chapters in all. That almost put me off at first but the author pulled off a rare feat. His books actually get better and better all the way until the very end.
If your not a fan of entire chapters describing a single setting, you can absolutely skip those few early chapters without any issues. Trust me, pick up this series and give it a whirl. 


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