

Perfect World


A speck of dust can fill an ocean. A blade of grass can destroy the sun, moon, and the stars. A flick of a finger can turn the world upside down.

Groups of heroes rise, and innumerable clans stand together. Various saints fight for power as the entire world falls into chaos. I ask the boundless Mother Earth: Who decides the ups and downs?

A young man walks out of the barren wilderness, and everything starts from there…



A shameless, comedic main character who stays true to themselves and their companions throughout whilst forging their own transcendent path, their foil being the established powers. Initial side-character 'geniuses' really stay relevant and progress alongside the main character, whether antagonist or companion. There is a lot of foreshadowing and mystery which has yet to be resolved to date, with themes of reincarnation, in-auspiciousness; as the wider picture of the world and the events that have transpired begin to unfold - you start to understand what has been alluded up until that point and the timeline leading up to it. One gets the sense that Shi Hao is destined for greatness, but the world seems fated to be against him, and too much for him to overcome; therein lies the tragedy. Laid low once more by unfortunate events, one starts to wonder whether this will be the last time he can get back up...
A truly sad yet funny story, that balances the comedy and the tragedy well. Read on to gain knowledge of the meaning of 'not knowing whether to laugh or cry'.


Azure Thunder Emperor Lukis
My favorite novel.
The cultivation system is great and differs from the other novels that are out there and the character is really enjoyable with his thick skin and shameless character, but he gets serious when he has to.
The novel presents us a lot of mysteries including reencarnation, river of time and ancient fights that makes this story a lot more interesting.
The fights are epic with all the descriptions and gives me goosebumps with all the tactics involved, the MC is not stupid nor bold so you dont have those facepalm moments when seeing a stupid move made by the MC.
Humans are not the ones that dominate the whole world and they are scarce in comparison with other races so it gives you a different vibe from human cultivators.
In general, this novel is the best i have seen until this day



It is one of the best novels of its kind. It’s different from the usual. Although it starts of rocky it gets good pretty fast. As per the usual for it’s kind it features an overpowered character. But this character is different in the way he expresses himself.
The novel is actually pretty funny although the main focus isn’t comedy. I remember laughing quite a lot while reading it.
I would seriously recommend this to anyone interested in stories with a bit of character development and doesn’t just mention characters for a single arc only to never here from them again.
In conclusion give it a chance



One of the best novels out there. Lots of comedy especially in the first 500 chapters when the protagonist is still a child. Sometimes I laughed so hard it hurt. Has also lots of drama and tragedy and makes you feel the pain the protagonist goes through. One of my personal highlights are the fighting scenes, the description and action is so exciting that it reminds me of the old dragon ball days where you could not stop grinning and clenching your fists. Overall I would say a true gem. Plus I like the jokes the translator puts in occasionally at the end of some chapters.
The story also ties up all loose ends end connects everything nicely. Very highly recommended to read.


One of my favorites to read daily. Light hearted but also really serious when it calls for it.
The best thing about this novel is its cultivation progression. Shi Hao doesn't simply follow the layed out parts, he tries his own stuff and improves the different levels as he can. ANd the best about it: this isn't just an MC thing, everybody does this to a point. Therefore his later enemys don't seem like old people 3 lvls above him or caricatures of older ones, they are powerfull and suspension stays throughout the novel.
Has a lot of mysteries, and I mean a lot for endgame stuff.

First story/novel that I've read in Wuxia. Here you can laugh, cry and feel angry in many scenarios. Here also you learn to love and appreciate all the things the main character have done to his families and friends.
I like how the character grow from being a child to a 1000 year old and how Shi Hao cherish his families. I love how he cares to his old man and to all his companions.
I highly recommend this to all who wants to read it for it is very addicting and a funny novel. Overall this novel is GREAT!!


Definitely one of the better Xianxia novels I've read.
The other reviews (on NovelUpdates at least) talk a lot about dropping it in the first few chapters- the author continues with the whole dropping confusing mysteries regularly, but the characterization of the MC and the humor get a lot better once the MC grows up a little. I recommend trying to get past that section.
Shi Hao is one badass MC and really feels like a unrivalled genius in much of the novel, I really enjoy that aspect and I particularly like how his emotions come out well when he fighting for his friends and family.
Romance is still horribly done though, like most of these novels haha.
The ending is solid is somewhat disappointing. Definitely better than many of the Xianxia webnovels I've read *cough*martialworld*cough*.
Overall the novel ranges from a 6 to a 9 depending on the arc. I'd give it an 8/10 overall. Recommended.


This is one of my favorite in Wuxia World. I loved it so much that I bought VIP Silver, so that I can reread it.
I have read multiple completed novel here, but this is the one of the few I found worth rereading.
Highly recommended.
I'm not gonna talk about it's good side, that you should find out on your own.
I'll talk about a few of it's weakness, because that will be shorter.
There is many repetition of the word immortal which can be distracting, but if you bear with that the story will grow on you.
This is not a Harem story, so if that is your must have, go read a different Wuxia.
This is a solid cultivation hero story, so if if you have read too many hero stories, and are bored of it go read a different Wuxia.
Lastly this Wuxia is long. Each chapter is also long, so if you are short on time don't start, because it will eat up your free time.


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